Peter Doocy Lies On Fox News And Claims Biden Never Mentioned His Birthday During Turkey Pardon

5 months ago 99

Peter Doocy claimed connected Fox News that Biden ne'er mentioned his day during the White House turkey pardon, but that was a lie.

Doocy claimed:

Doocy: He ne'er really mentioned his large time

— Acyn (@Acyn) November 20, 2023

Biden said, “And by the way, it’s my day today. They tin really sang day to me. You know, it’s hard turning 60.”

Video of President Biden:

Biden jokes astir contiguous being his day arsenic Fox News claims helium ne'er mentioned it during turkey pardon.

— PoliticusUSA (@politicususa) November 20, 2023

Fox News, on with Republicans and each different blimpish outlet, are pushing the mendacious thought that Biden is hiding from his property due to the fact that they are moving the 2016 playbook of trying to marque the 2024 statesmanlike predetermination astir Biden alternatively of Trump.

When elections are astir Donald Trump, Republicans lose, truthful determination are each sorts of mendacious narratives being created astir Biden’s age.

However, a important quality exists betwixt a mendacious communicative and lying connected nationalist television.

Republicans don’t privation to sermon each of the galore and immense issues surrounding Donald Trump, truthful they marque it look that Biden’s property is the astir pressing contented successful American politics.

As Biden was joking astir his age, Trump’s lawyers were arguing successful appeals tribunal trying to get a gag bid lifted successful the national transgression 2020 predetermination lawsuit against the erstwhile president.

Fox News and Peter Doocy couldn’t instrumentality to the facts, truthful they made up a communicative astir Biden’s age.

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