'Unbelievable' Brock Purdy impresses again as 49ers clinch NFC West

1 year ago 105
Brock Purdy celebrates aft  beating the Seattle Seahawks astatine  Lumen Field connected  December 15, 2022 successful  Seattle.

CNN  — 

Is determination immoderate stopping Brock Purdy?

The rookie quarterback, drafted with the last prime of the 2022 NFL draft, started conscionable his 2nd crippled connected Thursday night, and recorded his 2nd successive triumph arsenic a starter.

Purdy completed 17 of his 26 walk attempts for 217 yards, threw 2 touchdowns and nary interceptions successful the San Francisco 49ers’ 21-13 triumph implicit their NFC West part rivals, the Seattle Seahawks.

The triumph clinched the part for the 49ers – becoming the archetypal squad this play to bash truthful – arsenic the squad improved its grounds to 10-4.

And afterwards, San Francisco caput manager Kyle Shanahan was afloat of praise for Purdy.

“He’s decidedly the astir poised rookie I’ve ever had. He’s been similar that since he’s gotten here,” Shanahan said, per the NFL. “He was poised each week, adjacent with him being unsure of whether he’d beryllium capable to spell oregon not.

Purdy throws a walk  against the Seahawks.

“And nether the circumstances, we didn’t person immoderate different choices, we were going to spot however agelong helium could last, and we were acceptable to spell with [backup] Josh [Johnson]. But helium conscionable got comfortable, helium got amended arsenic the crippled went, and it was beauteous unbelievable.”

When Purdy was drafted with the 262nd prime earlier this twelvemonth – earning himself the moniker ‘Mr. Irrelevant’ – helium became the 49ers’ third-string quarterback.

But aft some Trey Lance and Jimmy Garoppolo suffered superior injuries, Purdy was thrown into the occurrence and has looked experienced beyond his years since doing so.

The erstwhile Iowa State prima archetypal played a large portion successful an important triumph implicit the Miami Dolphins having travel disconnected the seat pursuing Garoppolo’s injury. And successful his archetypal commencement against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, helium erstwhile again steered the squad to a win.

However, with conscionable 4 days betwixt the Bucs crippled and the part clash with the Seahawks, determination were question marks implicit Purdy’s availability owed to injury.

According to the NFL, determination were concerns Purdy wouldn’t beryllium capable to play close up until hours earlier kickoff owed to an wounded to his oblique/rib region.

But the 22-year-old showed nary signs of symptom against the Seahawks, arsenic with his third-straight crippled with 2 touchdown passes, Purdy became the archetypal rookie backmost to propulsion for two-plus passing touchdowns successful 3 consecutive games since Justin Herbert did it successful 2020, and the lone 49ers rookie to execute the feat, per NFL Research.

Purdy joined yet much vaulted institution with the stellar performance, becoming the lone different quarterback, on with four-time NFL MVP Aaron Rodgers, since 1950 to person a passer standing of 115-plus successful each of their archetypal 2 starts, according to NFL Research.

But the grit to combat done the symptom obstruction was the standout takeaway from Thursday nighttime for Shanahan.

Purdy looks to walk  against the Seahawks.

“Definitely different level, it was different level for maine conscionable watching idiosyncratic bash it,” Shanahan said, per the NFL. “For him to beryllium capable to conscionable play, fto unsocial play the mode helium did, to support the ball, helium struggled to determination a small spot astatine times, but … The squad had a batch of respect for him earlier that game, but a batch much now.”

49ers choky extremity George Kittle, who had 2 touchdowns and 93 receiving yards successful the win, was besides afloat of praise for Purdy.

“What Brock has done since he’s travel successful is helium was assured successful OTAs … and helium diced up the champion defence successful the NFL, helium came successful in the preseason games and was threading balls,” Kittle said connected the Prime Video postgame show, per the NFL.

“He has had assurance since helium came into the building, and everyone connected this squad has sensed that. And he’s conscionable been waiting for an opportunity, and unluckily with each the injuries astatine backmost he’s yet gotten his opportunity.”

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